Where lurks the monster goading this lady? A very ancient riddle.

by banber130389

Take a look at the riddle: Where is the monster instigating this lady, which is scarier for her poor husband than Naina for Farlaf?

Farlaf and Naina are characters from the opera “Ruslan and Lyudmila” by composer Mikhail Glinka.

Farlaf is a character in the opera, the brother of Lyudmila, who was abducted by the villain Chernomor. He tries to save his sister and helps Ruslan in his adventures.

Naina is another character in the opera, the daughter of Chernomor. She helps Ruslan in his struggle against her father and eventually converts to Christianity and marries Ruslan.

The opera itself tells the story of a young princess named Lyudmila, who was abducted by the villain Chernomor. Prince Ruslan, in love with Lyudmila, sets out to find her. On his journey, Ruslan encounters many dangers and trials, including battles with witches and a deadly duel with a giant. Finally, Ruslan finds Lyudmila in Chernomor’s castle and defeats him.

Can you find the monster in this picture? The artist was quite original and hid it well in his drawing. But you can do it…