At first glance, it may seem that the image is completely normal and there are no errors on it. However, this is a misconception. Solving various puzzles is not only very interesting, but also useful. You spend productive and nice time at the same time. With the help of puzzles, you can develop concentration, critical thinking skills, ability to quickly find solutions and etc.
 This is a great opportunity to combine the pleasant with the useful. The new puzzle challenges readers to find the mistake hidden in a picture of a girl’s dining room. You can see two girls who are going to have dinner. A large turkey is served on the table. One girl puts the bottle on the table, and the other looks at herself in the mirror.
At first glance, it may seem that the image is completely normal and there are no errors on it. However, this is a misconception. There is a gross inaccuracy in the picture. Try to find it as soon as possible, because time is short. This task takes only 7 seconds.
And, here is the reveal. The error is hidden in the mirror in which the girl is looking. It shows different directions, which is impossible. We hope you managed to find it. Thank you for spending your time with us, and supporting us, we appreciate it. Challenge your friends to solve this task too. Enjoy your time!