If you find 10 items in the picture, you have a good imagination.

by banber130389

Online, a challenging test has been found, one that only people with a vivid imagination can pass. If your cognitive functions are intact, you’ll probably find all the items hidden in the picture below within a few minutes.

It’s quite a tough task, especially if you haven’t seen the illustration before. Set aside all distractions and focus because this task demands great attention and concentration.

Your task: Find a paintbrush, a mouse, a boot, a fish, the fourth bird, a boot, a kite, a needle, a spoon, and a snake in the picture.

Scroll down to see the answer. Here’s where all the items and animals were hidden. If you found all 10—congratulations, you’re a genius! If you couldn’t find everything hidden in the picture, don’t be discouraged—keep taking tests for attentiveness and continue developing your imagination and wit.