How many crocodiles are in the picture? Count them and don’t make a mistake.

by banber130389

A new work by the Hungarian artist Gergely Dudás has appeared on social media. He often delights his fans with puzzles featuring cute animals, and with each new creation, his pictures become more intricate and entangled, making them even more interesting!


This time, the artist depicted a carnival… of dragons! However, there is a catch – some uninvited guests showed up at the carnival. Those guests turned out to be crocodiles.

Your task: find them all. We won’t make it easy for you, so you have to figure out for yourself how many imaginary reptiles are in the picture. You have 30 seconds to find them. Start the timer and go!

Scroll down to see the answer:

In the picture, there are three crocodiles. Here is where they were hiding:
