Watch how this shelter dog gains his trust in people back. This is absolutely heart melting

by banber130389

It is very sad to see how abandoned animals are mostly afraid of people and show aggressiveness when someone tries to approach them. And this is not because they enjoy doing it, they do it to protect themselves. Their bad experience with people forces them to do it, but they can learn to trust again if they are with right people.

The story’s main hero is Bernard, who was recently rescued and was brought to “Dogs deserve better center” in Smithfield, VA. He had new caretakers they needed to find the best way to communicate and become friends with their new resident.

Of course, he didn’t have any trust, he was avoiding touch and any other contact. And that was actually sad. But another skill of dogs, is that they feel kind hearts and kind intentions quickly. And soon his skill helped him to gain his trust back, and see that there are people out there willing to help instead of hurting him.

The way he lays down in the end, and just lets the woman pet him is absolutely heart melting. Watch the video bellow, and don’t forget to share this article with your loved ones, that way you can support us too!