This second grader boy sounds just like Johnny Cash. His talent is unbelievable

by banber130389

It is always grate to see how kids show their talents which improve to better and better over years with no doubt. And it is not actually about skills, it is more about their power in believing that they can do it, and charisma.

We want to present you this little boy’s incredible performance. He is just a second grader in the video bellow, but sings and even plays the guitar very professionally.

His voice is truly very unique and he is unconditionally talented. The boy is known as “Little John” after his performance as the audience is sure he sounds exactly like Johnny Cash.

Keeping music alive is a very difficult task and this little boy already does that with his perfect redition of Folsom Prison Blues. His vocal skills surely impressed everyone and he demonstrated something unforgettable on that stage.

He was very confident and looks very charismatic on the stage with the guitar in his hands. Watch the video bellow, and enjoy his song. We hope you will love it. Don’t forget to share this article with your friends and family, that way you can support us too!