This bear swims in the pool regularly. You should watch his cute belly-flops that were captured on camera

by banber130389

Hot summers can sometimes be exhausting for all of us and we keep looking for ways to avoid that. A cool swim is always one of the best options, and this is the same for animals. They love swimming too, and enjoying some cool time. The video bellow is very unique and shows a bear swimming in a pool!

He is Bruiser, he is a rescued bear that lives in Single Vision nature conservation facility in Melrose, Florida. He weighs more than 600 pounds, but that doesn’t stop him from enjoying the pool and jumping in it numerous times.

It is Bruiser’s most favorite activity to belly-flop into the pool and enjoy the water. The workers are already used to it, and that is why when he was getting ready for his swim, they decided to fil it and share it on social media.

The video has been shared on YouTube already 8 years ago and has been watched over 25 million times! It shows how he climbs and jumps into the water, gets out and repeats the same thing over and over again. But the cutest thing is that he does that with a wide smile on his face, showing that he likes it!

Check out the video bellow to see that precious moment, we hope you will love it and it will make you smile. Don’t forget to share this with your friends and family too, that way you can also support us, enjoy watching!