The students were amazed to see their classmate sing the song Imagine in this way. He touched millions of hearts

by banber130389

School should be a special place for children to acquire knowledge to train them for adult life, allow them to discover their passions, their centers of interest, but also for them to learn values, the meaning of responsibilities and socialize with others.

Unfortunately, many cases of harassment break lives so when we see positive scenes, it is also important to share them to show that school must be something else, as in the case of Adam Kornowski.

Source – screenshot facebook (Michelle Cavarnos Kornowski)

Almost 3 years ago, Adam decided to take part in his school’s talent show by singing “Imagine”, a true musical classic by a music legend John Lennon.

Michelle Kornowski, Adam’s mom, filmed her son’s entire performance and posted the video on her Facebook page. Within a week, her post received over hundreds of thousands of shares and the video was viewed millions of times.

Adam’s voice is moving, his performance has touched the hearts of millions of Internet users around the world. No one expected the piano to sound so good! What unexpected talent! The child, who was then in fourth grade, has been playing the piano since the age of 5. It’s a real passion for him.

At the end of the show, the young boy received a well-deserved standing ovation which made his parents very proud. Adam is a real inspiration to all his classmates and to young people all over the world – share this article with your loved ones if you agree! Enjoy watching the video bellow.