The sisters did a tour in their tiny houses, that neighbor each other. They have totally different styles inside

by banber130389

We want to share with you a very interesting story of two sisters that you will surely love. They have been introduced to social media by Jenn a, a YouTuber, who takes people on tours of creative spaces, and tells about their lives.

She shows the tiny houses of sisters, that neighbor each other. They look the same outside, but the inside is decorated individually, for their unique lifestyle. They are Ashley and Alexis, who are very happy to have their own personalized tiny houses, and are also close to each other.

They both confess that they didn’t really want to live together, as they have different styles, and the option of having two tiny houses next to each other was better for both of them. In the video bellow they did a detailed tour in each house, and told more about them.

Check out the video bellow to learn more about them, and of course see the tiny houses. We are sure you will love it. Don’t forget to share this article with your family and friends too, that way you can also show us your support. Thank you for reading and being with us, we appreciate it. Enjoy watching!