The man sold a VHC player to an old man, and here is the touching letter that he received after selling it

by banber130389

It is very beautiful when humans are being humans. They share with their experience, feelings and emotions. We all live different lives, but it is very similar at the same time. We can understand each other, and know exactly what others feel in different situations. And that fact about humanity is very adorable and beautiful.

The touching story that we want to share with you, is a perfectly beautiful interaction between two generations. They exchanged with their emotions and feelings. 85-year-old man bought a VHC on eBay from a man named Matt.

Matt couldn’t even imagine, that he would receive a response from the old man, and it touched him in the deepest way. The man decided to write a letter to tell Matt to thank him for keeping the VHC in such good condition. Then he thanked him for his offer, thanks to which he had the opportunity to watch his old VHC tapes from his wedding and other family gatherings.

Check out the video bellow, where you can also stop and read the touching and very gentle letter of the man. You can show us your support by sharing this article with your family and friends too, be sure that this will warm their heart too. Thank you for reading and being with us. Watch the video bellow to learn more details about the story, enjoy watching!