The girl lost her sport shoe, but she knew exactly who took it.

by banber130389

It is one of the worst feelings to lose something. You look for it everywhere, and when you still don’t find it, the only thing that remains is to ask others and it usually helps. But imagine the only one that can help you find your lost stuff is a dog. And this is what happened to the hero of our story, whose Husky named Azlan was the only one she could turn to for help.

She was sure her dog knew where it was, as he loved chewing things, especially the ones that are not allowed for him to touch. He knew his dog’s personality very well, and that is why she decided to film him and caught Azlan’s funny reaction.

The dog seemed to not want to admit that fact at first, but he saw that his owner was more than sure that he stole her shoe. She insisted and finally Azlan walked out of the room.

He returned with the shoe in his mouth and that was the cutest and the most hilarious scene of the video. His owner got her sport shoes back, and Azlan looked very proud of it, even though he was the one to steal them.

Watch the video bellow and see that funny moment yourself, we are sure you will love it. You can support us by sharing this with your friends and family too, enjoy watching!