The dog has his own favorite sit in the car and refuses to move. A hilarious footage of a cute dog

by banber130389

Dogs have their own preferences just like we all do. They have their comfortable places, that they love enjoying in the evenings, they have favorite snack, favorite place to go for a walk, and this list goes on and on. We want to share with you a video of a dog, that clearly lets her owner know that he has a favorite place in her car.


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The cute dog named Nacho jumped in her owner’s car and they were going to drive somewhere. But when the woman returned, she saw Nacho sitting on the car sit for babies. It was her son Leo’s sit and she was asking Nacho to move away.

But he seemed to not like the idea of moving. He was feeling comfortable there, and even though he clearly knew it was Leo’s sit, he refused to move. His facial expressions are the best. This is the cute side of dogs, they can be just like babies sometimes, and want things that they are not allowed to have.

Watch the funny video bellow shared by Jillian Harris. We are lucky moments like this are being captured, and we can watch how cute dogs are! If you loved the story, please share this article with your friends and family too, that way you can also support us! Enjoy watching!