The groom’s cretive surprise for the bride went viral. This is true love for sure

by banber130389

Brazilian Cynthia Bonfante Pereira is a speech therapist, one of the most difficult and responsible jobs. Her patients are cmainly hildren with Down syndrome. She does everything to help children improve their speaking, language and many other communication skills, such as expressing emotions and etc.

Cynthia’s job is not easy at all, but she loves it so much and she adores children, that is why it is easier for her to work and she enjoys it. She is always impatient to rush to work to meet her kids.

Source – screenshot youtube (Fonoaudióloga Cíntia Bonfante Pereira)

Recently she got married! The couple invited a large number of guests to celebrate with them, relatives, many friends and colleagues.

Jose Vitor Flach – Cynthia’s lover decided that someone was missing from their wedding. And then he came up with a surprise for his beloved. Flach, secretly contacted the parents of all children Pereira worked with, and invited all of them to attend their wedding.

Source – screenshot youtube (Fonoaudióloga Cíntia Bonfante Pereira)

The day of the wedding came, the doors to the church behind them suddenly opened and the surprise was waiting for her! Here a big group of Pereira’s students walked down the aisle towards the bride and groom.

Sunny children approached and congratulated them. The pretty girls were wearing beautiful white dresses, and the boys were wearing elegant bow ties and they looked adorable!

Especially touched by all those present were two little boys who were driving a tiny electric car. Cynthia could not hold back her tears; it was a real pleasant surprise for her. Jose himself could hardly restrain himself. The eldest of the children handed the wedding rings to the bride and groom, a very beautiful scene…