The builders saved this the lump of clay, and discovered the forest guest in it. This is how they rescued the poor creature

by banber130389

There are plenty of animal rescue stories, but we think that you all would agree that each of them are unique. It is very heartwarming to see people care about animals and doing everything to help them in any situation, where they might need our help.

But also we often think that the life of animals is like a paradise, but in reality, it is far from the truth. Sometimes even they end up in deadly situations due to human negligence. We want to share aa story that happened recently in UK. During maintenance work, builders dug a large trench.

Photo © Facebook / londoncolneyhedgehogrescue

They needed to leave for the weekend, but before that they covered the pit with boards. The thing is that there were still fairly large gaps at the joints. And here a poor hedgehog fell into one of them. Of course, he tried to get out, but it didn’t help. It even more worsened his situation and he became more and more covered with clay, until its mass completely immobilized the poor creature.

Photo © Facebook / londoncolneyhedgehogrescue

Noticing the forest guest in the pit, the builders immediately did everything to help him. They called the animal rescue service and the animal received proper help. After long procedures of cleaning from clay, the animal was put in order. Was spent a huge amount of detergent and water.

“Due to the fact that the hedgehog was very cold, he was constantly in a ball. This created many problems during operation. We couldn’t warm the poor animal, as the clay would have solidified.”

Photo © Facebook / londoncolneyhedgehogrescue

After water procedures, the workers of the center gave a name to the rescued animal. Now he is in complete safety, but before releasing him into the wild, the workers of the center decided to observe the state of health of the hedgehog for a few more days.