The 90-year-old grandma’s version of “I fall to pieces” is the best thing you will watch today

by banber130389

Age is just a number. This is probably the best expression of all times. We get older, our bodies get older, but our soul, heart and spirit never change. We are the same person just in a different body. So, the fact that you are getting older doesn’t have to bother you as much as it does so many people.

The positive video bellow, is a perfect example of the words mentioned above. The main hero of the video never lost her sense of humor, she can do it anytime, anywhere and at any age she wants to.

She is grandma Vera, who is always on positive vibe and makes everyone around her smile and shares with her positivity. In the video bellow she sang “I fall to pieces” in a different way and dedicated to all the seniors out there. This made everyone burst in laughter.

Watch the video bellow, we are sure grandma Vera will make you smile too, and will make your day with her white energy and positivity. And of course, don’t forget to share this with your family and friends, to cheer them up with this cute video too. Enjoy watching!