The 4-year-old girl’s duet with her father went viral. Her vocal skills are really impressive

by banber130389

Family videos are always the cutest, and watching them you feel the unconditional love and warmth they hold. They are always pure and are able to make your day. Here is one of them that we think you must like.

We want to share with you the singing video of Claire Ryan and her dad that has been shared on their YouTube channel 6 years ago and has got more than 38 million views.

Source – screenshot youtube (The Crosbys)

They start with a cute introduction of the song. The song they chose was “You’ve got a friend in me”. The first p[art of the song was sang by the dad, and then her daughter joined and showed her amazing vocal skills, which are actually very impressive for a 4-year old little girl.

Scrolling up their videos on their channel you can see that they didn’t give up singing and have created many other videos with millions of views. Now Claire has also professional music videos, which are again very impressive and beautiful.

Watch their live performance bellow, we hope they will make you smile. And of course, don’t forget to share this cute duet video with your loved ones too. Enjoy watching!