People held hands and made a chain, which saved 9 people from drowning. The real power of the group

by banber130389

People can do amazing things when they come together. We can unite our strength at any time we want, and it is amazing. We want to share with you a story, about how people united and saved the life of 9 people, who were in danger of drowning.

These people created a big chain, holding hands together and came together to rescue a young family who got caught in a riptide off the coast of Florida. The mom tried to help her children but got stuck too, then their grandma, and soon 9 people were already in danger, caught in a riptide.

Soon people around them heard the noises of them calling for help, and decided to do something to help them. What they did on the beach that day really deserves appreciation. They didn’t give up, and saved human lives.

Check out the video bellow to learn more about their story, and see the moment of their rescue, that has been captured on camera. You can show us your support by sharing this article with your family and friends too. Thank you for reading and being with us, enjoy watching the video for more details!