One of the coolest guests in Jimmy Fallon’s show. They recreated a 40-year-old dance together

by banber130389

Jimmy Fallon has one of the most comfort TV shows ever, and many people got here and create new memories and remember the old ones with joy and. Wide smile on their face. This time Jimmy’s guest was John Travolta, who was there to remind everyone about the 40th anniversary of the move “Grease”.

And of course, they would miss so much, if they didn’t try the legendary hip swirl dance from the movie. It was hilarious and everyone loved it so much. They both look very mature, sitting there in suits and if you watched it with the sound on, you’d never expect them to stand up and dance.

They at first had a sweet conversation of course, complimenting each other. This is done to create comfort and harmony. And then they talked about the dance and how it was staged. That is when they decided to try it out.

It turned out very cool and fun, Jimmy did a very good job and recreated the famous dance moves. Watch the video bellow, we are sure you will feel the positivity of the show from behind the screens. You can also share this with your friends and family members!