Nothing like a video of funny kittens to lift your spirits!

by banber130389

We know – if everything is falling apart, the mood is more gloomy than the nasty weather outside the window, and the news is all scary and sad, you need a distraction. Get in touch with the eternal source of positivity, for example, in the form of funny kittens. Here’s a whole bunch of videos – enjoy!

What are you looking at? Why are there so few pictures?


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Публикация от EVGENY MISHUKOV (DEBORKADER). (@cat_deborkader)

For moms-to-be


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Публикация от Алексей Семенов (@family_colin)

Synchronized kittens


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Публикация от Beth Stern (@bethostern)

Where’s the enemy? Ah, there you are!


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Публикация от Кот Винсент (Винни)🦁 (@vincent__vinnie)

There’s no fear in those eyes! Only curiosity


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Публикация от chan♡ (@c_chan_chan)

Twerk, twerk, twerk!


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Публикация от Jess | Veterinarian (@vetmedjess)

♪ Their majesty is feline unpredictability ♪


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Публикация от Александр Ермольев (@family_beetles)

There’s a time to wrap kittens, and there’s a time to unwrap them.


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Публикация от Ashley Morrison (@youngestoldcatlady)

Three servings of pleasure


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Публикация от Алексей Семенов (@family_colin)