Lying motionless for three weeks: why people just walked by the Husky and only took his picture

by banber130389

In Nizhny Novgorod, people saw a husky at a bus stop. It is a male dog with multicolored eyes. His character is peaceful and he did not show any aggression.

The citizens took photos of the dog and sent it to the animal shelter’s pages, but no one took the stray dog with them, at least temporarily. People wrote that the dog lay down all the time. Because of this, it was concluded that the dog was ill with something, or his body was severely weakened.

The head of one of the volunteer centers takes 2.5 hours to get to the appointed place. She was worried when she arrived, the husky might not be there. She asked her friends to take the doggie until she arrived.

Turns out the husky isn’t homeless at all. He had been lost before, so his owners said the dog was on the loose. The pooch had been brought home three times before, but the owners still didn’t give the pooch the attention it deserved. Huskies run away from home to sleep at the bus stop and eat at the dumpster.

Human rights activists took the animal and showed it to a veterinarian. An examination of the tailed one’s body is now underway. They plan to go to the police and report the find. This is required to take the unfortunate animal away from people who do not want him. After treatment, the pesel will be given to a holding facility, he will be looking for a new owner. But these plans will not come true if the dog’s owners claim their rights. We want to believe that the life of the husky will get better, and he will no longer be alone. It is very sad to see homeless animals on the street, because they do not deserve to be on the street.