Her husband took a photo of his wife in 1992 and told her: “This is the last night you will live…”

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Judy Sharp, 61, is a Brisbane native who is prepared to inspire others with her story of transformation. For 52 weeks out of the year, her former spouse, Mick*, made sure to bring her flowers every Friday. Though it would appear to be a nice gesture, Judy saw it as a terrifying reminder of her sad and restricted life.

Judy clarifies, “Not every act of giving is an act of love; others are strategies of control. After their two kids were born, things grew worse.

Mick would tape the front and back doors to see if they had been tampered with because he was so convinced that Judy was being unfaithful. But being called out as a bad mother hurt her the most and it was a very sad fact for you.

Mick snapped a picture of Judy and their sons on that fatal night, telling them it would be her last night on earth so the boys would have a memento of her. Judy’s shouts cut off his menacing movements. Taking advantage of his absence the following morning, she and her sons ran away.

Judy had to make accommodations amid the tornado of feelings and ideas. Because of her son Tim’s severe autism, shelters are not a viable choice. They departed after she took out enough cash for a deposit and a week’s rent.

Judy recalls, “I felt like a mountain had been lifted off my shoulders as soon as I walked into this new house.” Years went by, and Mick’s suffering continued to be a somber chapter in their story. Judy made it her mission to make sure her sons wouldn’t have any of their father’s characteristics.

She informed them, “The most important quality you can have is kindness.” Tim, 32, became a popular entertainer, and Sam, 30, nearly qualified for the Olympics as a swimming coach.

Judy is eager to share her experience as a hope-filled example for others facing similar circumstances, particularly on the anniversary of their escape. She discovered and published Mick’s eerie picture a few years ago as a potent reminder that domestic abuse is never acceptable.

She wishes to let people know that they are not alone. Things may truly get better for those who are still stuck in violent relationships. The end of the tunnel is in sight.” Judy reassures her.

*Mick’s name has been altered to protect his privacy.