A romantic scene unfolds: two lovers, a young man on one knee proposing marriage, when suddenly the girl’s father appears.
This is exactly what happened when American Levi Bliss offered his hand and heart to his beloved Allison Barron. Just as he uttered the long-awaited words and awaited her answer, Allison’s father appeared on the horizon.
He was holding a sign that read, “Say No.”
While this might have frightened some, it didn’t faze our lovers, even though it caught them by surprise. Levi had already asked her father for Allison’s hand in marriage, but the father couldn’t resist playing a little joke.
Allison, familiar with her father’s sense of humor, laughed heartily along with everyone else.
Levi and Allison had met as students, and over time, it became clear that their relationship was destined for marriage.
One day, Levi invited Allison to his parents’ house for dinner. Halfway there, he stopped the car, asked her to step out, and then … well, you know the rest.