A balding pensioner was dramatically altered in a beauty salon

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According to the Daily Express, Brenda Vickers, 78, of Great Britain, became famous for a life-changing transformation after suffering from hair loss and being self-conscious about her appearance for a long time.

Brenda admitted that for 20 years she didn’t want to see herself in the mirror because of the problem. Two decades later, however, she decided to turn to Novo Cabelo, a firm that specializes in hair transplants, to restore her confidence.

A video posted on TikTok and viewed more than 1.2 million times shows Brande’s final result. The salon owner, Rob Wood, shows her the new “hair system,” which cost £350.

Brenda even cried when she was shown the result. She says, “How can I look with so much hair? I run my fingers through it and it’s in place. It’s unbelievable.”

She adds: “Now I don’t have to be shy and avoid looking at myself anymore. Everything has changed. I feel confident again and it’s an incredible feeling. I will go out more often. Everyone I’ve talked to has been so kind. People say I look 20 years younger, but inside I still have the brain of a 78-year-old person. My body may be old, but my hair now looks young. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen myself like this.”